Monday, January 21, 2008

“Crank this sucker up.”

This was the insight President Gee Willikers Bushcountry shared in a press conference last Friday. I’d like to crank up his brain if I thought I could find an on switch.

Bush dispensing advice about the economy is about as productive as his pontificating about the Middle East when he's waited until his 7th year in office before going there. In his entire rich, opportunistic oil money life. Frankly, Bush had never been out of the country until 2001. His parents were probably afraid to let him wander too far from home. I know I am. Especially anywhere near where fiscal policy is being discussed.

Oh but wait, the professionally reassuring parlance doesn’t end there. Treasury Sec. Henry Paulson said they would be sure to “get the relief out quick as a bunny,” in regard to the making sure those tax cuts and rebates to help out the folks the great leadership of this administration allowed to fuck up the mortgage industry, the only thing we had helping our sagging economy.

Where they’re getting the money I don’t know. The dollar is devalued every time they cut the interest rate. It’s called inflation. And we are in a recession simply because as a nation we are borrowing more than we can pay back. Their answer? Extend more credit. That isn't how you pay off the mortgage, President Bushcountry. He probably lets his wife handle the check book.

Like a toddler who has just figured out how to change a channel for the first time, he just can’t wait to point that universal remote of INTEREST RATE at another fiscal problem. So far Bush has received positive reviews from the press and all the presidential candidates who like him share an equal but unimpressive understanding of simple economics. There should be an evaluation for candidates to take when they turn in their notification that they are running for office. At least then the voter could see what they were getting themselves into.

Good thing it's an election year, at least everyone wants to be seen as wanting to do something.

Seriously, I fear the house of cards will collapse just about the time Bush FINALLY vacates the office for another party figure head fucktard. I’ll tell you why.

According to my Economics for Dummies 101 class in tech school, lowering the interest rates actually is supposed to encourage consumers to spend more on credit and pay off their bills. Isn’t that what got us into this mess? Rising prices and less jobs and lower wages for AMERICAN citizens? You know, the ones paying taxes to keep the government going.

BUT if the creditors are making less in return with new loans, credit card purchases and the like because the Fed keeps playing with the interest rate, how are we ever supposed to get out economy back on track?

The fact is, higher interest rates keep inflation (rising prices) down because there is less money released by the Fed into the economy. The cost of borrowing money goes up and gives the stock market a reason to live again. In a credit based economy, that’s the whole shootin’ match. The nut, everything. Higher interest rates mean more return on an investment. Lower the interest rates and investors look elsewhere.

Like another country’s economy.

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