Thursday, December 13, 2007

Already Revising History on A War We're Still Losing

Okay, I guess the party is wearing down. A lot of the cool guests have gone on to better events. The lights are starting to come up, and the losers linger over warm watery drinks telling their loser stories of better days when they really were someone. In varying tones of tired alcoholic breath they drone on in your ear about how great they were, but.... In this particular case its Doug Feith doing a lot of revisionist history in his book, "War and Decision." The point he is beligerantly trying to make is that Iraq would have been a huge quick success of democracy if only we left his pick -Chalabi- in charge. "This from a guy who sent our military into Iraq without the right armor, the right force numbers or the right counterinsurgency training."

Check out Maureen Dowd's column for today.

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